Custom Components

Custom components allow you to extend the functionality of Evidence, as well as to make your code more reusable.

In Evidence, you can build your own components and use them anywhere in your project. This is made possible through Svelte, the JavaScript framework Evidence is built on. These components can include the charts used for visualization, custom components created completely from scratch, or adaptations of existing UI components such as the header, sidebar, menu, etc.

Evidence Labs contains several good examples of custom components.

Below is a short guide on building a simple component in Evidence.

For a fuller guide, Svelte offers a really great interactive tutorial that you can complete in your browser in about an hour: Svelte Tutorial

Example custom component

If you were creating a component called <Hello />, which included some text and a BarChart, to use in, you could do so like this:

Add a folder called components/ in the root of your project. This is where Evidence looks for your Svelte components:

Folder structure

. |-- pages/ | `-- `-- components/ `-- Hello.svelte

Hello.svelte is your component. Add the following code to these two files:

File contents

```sql sales_by_country select 'Canada' as country, 100 as sales_usd union all select 'USA' as country, 200 as sales_usd union all select 'UK' as country, 300 as sales_usd ``` <!-- To use data in the component, pass it to the component as a prop You can use multiple queries, and name the props anything you like --> <Hello myData={sales_by_country} />
<!-- To allow the component to accept data, you need to use the 'export let' syntax If you need any Evidence components inside your custom component, you must import them explicitly --> <script> export let myData; import { BarChart } from '@evidence-dev/core-components'; </script> <p> Here is a BarChart in a Component, with some accompanying text. Components stored in the /components/ folder will be included in your project. </p> <BarChart data={myData} />

Building your own component: Checklist

If you're building a component, here are some things to keep in mind.

In your markdown file:

  1. Pass any data as props if you need to access query results in the component

In the custom component:

  1. Use Svelte (HTML + extra features) syntax in this component - it will not support Markdown
  2. Use the /components/ folder for your .svelte files
  3. export any props you want to use in the component
  4. Import any Evidence components you want to use in the custom component

Optional: Publishing Your Components as a Plugin

If you have built custom components that you would like other Evidence users to be able to use in their projects, you can publish them as an Evidence plugin. See the Plugin section for more details.

Utility Functions

Evidence provides a collection of helpful utility functions to use within custom components, for things like error handling, data manipulation, and value formatting.

To use these in your project, you must import them explicitly in the script tag portion of your component. The import line for each utlity function is included for reference below:

Error Handling

checkInputs checkInputs(data, reqCols, optCols)

Accepts a dataset and list of columns, and returns an error if the dataset is empty, required columns are missing, or referenced columns do not exist in the data

import checkInputs from '@evidence-dev/component-utilities/checkInputs';
  • data: the query result you need to check
  • reqCols: a list of columns that are required for your component (e.g., x or y for a chart)
  • optCols: a list of optional columns

ErrorChart <ErrorChart error={error} chartType="My Chart"/>

A component used to display an error state on the page

import { ErrorChart } from '@evidence-dev/core-components';
  • error: the error message to display
  • chartType: the title that appears at the top of the error component

Data Manipulation

getDistinctValues getDistinctValues(data, column)

Returns an array of distinct values from a specified column in a dataset

import getDistinctValues from '@evidence-dev/component-utilities/getDistinctValues';
  • data: query result to pull the values from
  • column: name of column to use

getDistinctCount getDistinctCount(data, column)

Returns the count of distinct values in a column

import getDistinctCount from '@evidence-dev/component-utilities/getDistinctCount';
  • data: query result to pull the values from
  • column: name of column to use

getSortedData getSortedData(data, col, isAsc)

Returns the original dataset, sorted by the specific column and direction

import getSortedData from '@evidence-dev/component-utilities/getSortedData';
  • data: query result to pull the values from
  • col: name of column to sort
  • isAsc: if true, will sort ascending; otherwise, descending

getColumnSummary getColumnSummary(data, returnType = "object")

Returns an object with information about each column (title, min, max, format, etc.)

import getColumnSummary from '@evidence-dev/component-utilities/getColumnSummary';
  • data: query result to summarize
  • returnType: "object" or "array"

getCompletedData getCompletedData(data, x, y, series, nullsZero = false, fillX = false)

Returns the original dataset with rows filled in as needed to complete a continuous number series

import getCompletedData from '@evidence-dev/component-utilities/getCompletedData';
  • data: query result which requires completed data
  • x: name of column for x-axis
  • y: name of column for y-axis
  • series: name of column for series
  • nullsZero: if true, will treat nulls as zeroes; otherwise, will leave as nulls
  • fillX: if true, will find the smallest increment in the x-axis values and create rows as needed to create a continous series

Value & Label Formatting

formatValue formatValue(value, columnFormat = undefined, columnUnitSummary = undefined)

Returns a formatted value

import { formatValue } from '@evidence-dev/component-utilities/formatting';
  • value: value to format
  • columnFormat: a format object for column being formatted (can be obtained from the getColumnSummary function)
  • columnUnitSummary: an object containing the extents of the column, used for unit summary formatting like "M" or "B" (can be obtained from the getColumnSummary function)

fmt fmt(value, format)

Simpler version of the formatValue function which does not require a format object

import { fmt } from '@evidence-dev/component-utilities/formatting';
  • value: value to be formatted
  • format: a string representing a format tag name or an Excel-style format code

formatTitle formatTitle(column, columnFormat)

Returns a formatted column title (with proper letter casing)

import formatTitle from '@evidence-dev/component-utilities/formatTitle';
  • column: name of column to be formatted
  • columnFormat: a format object for column being formatted (can be obtained from the getColumnSummary function)