If / Else

Programmatically control what is displayed using data through {#if} and {:else} blocks.

If and Else Statements

Conditionals are useful for managing information overload, and ensuring that your reporting is consistently showing actionable information.

Conditionals allow you to show a section of your document if a condition is met. You can optionally include {:else} and {:else if} blocks inside of your {#if}...{/if} blocks.

{#if condition}

Display some content.

{:else if another condition}

Another thing instead.

{:else }

Something completely different.



Hide a table if it is empty.

{#if query_name.length !== 0}

<DataTable data={query_name}>


Another Example

Imagine creating reports to encourage sales leaders "up-sell" low margin customers, but only when there were enough low-margin customers to do that work in-bulk. This could be done using a conditional.

{#if low_margin_customers.length > 15}

The following customers are generating low margins.

Consider re-allocating an account management call block to up-sell these customers.

<DataTable data={low_margin_customers}/>

{:else }

There are fewer than fifteen low margin customers, which is not enough to fill a call block.
